The Cost of Living
there is one cost, one price we all pay. it is set, determined, unfluxuating, inescapable, inevitable. You can avoid taxes, but You can't avoid the cost of Living. You can't avoid Death. the price is the same for everyone, and whether You are willing to pay it or not, You will have to.
so, i say, prepare Yourself.
In my development studies class we were discussing the potential moral conflicts we might encounter in the field. to me it came down to the same crux of the matter everytime. what are You willing to live with, or, to put it another way, what are You willing to die for.
confronted with a morally afronting situation where the decision would put Your life on the line, what would You do? this is the question to put us. but i say put this question to everyone. this is a question that should be at the forefront of our minds whenever we make a decision.
infact, the advise that the Hagakure gives to samurai is that upon waking up in the morning one should consider oneself dead already. then concern for one's own life will not impede ones duties or in the case of non-samurai (though should we not all strive to attain such noble ends?), will not prevent one from doing the higher thing, the less selfish thing.
myself, i cannot shake the feeling that, should the opportunity present itself everyone would be better off were i to sacrifice myself, and certainly not worse off, except for grieving, though that grieving is itself a selfish sentiment. for what is the difference of one life willingly given, and another perserved out of fear of death? how much more important is Your own life than anyone else's that You would perserve Your own over someone else's when Your the sacrifice of Your life could make all the difference in theirs?
so, i say, prepare Yourself.
In my development studies class we were discussing the potential moral conflicts we might encounter in the field. to me it came down to the same crux of the matter everytime. what are You willing to live with, or, to put it another way, what are You willing to die for.
confronted with a morally afronting situation where the decision would put Your life on the line, what would You do? this is the question to put us. but i say put this question to everyone. this is a question that should be at the forefront of our minds whenever we make a decision.
infact, the advise that the Hagakure gives to samurai is that upon waking up in the morning one should consider oneself dead already. then concern for one's own life will not impede ones duties or in the case of non-samurai (though should we not all strive to attain such noble ends?), will not prevent one from doing the higher thing, the less selfish thing.
myself, i cannot shake the feeling that, should the opportunity present itself everyone would be better off were i to sacrifice myself, and certainly not worse off, except for grieving, though that grieving is itself a selfish sentiment. for what is the difference of one life willingly given, and another perserved out of fear of death? how much more important is Your own life than anyone else's that You would perserve Your own over someone else's when Your the sacrifice of Your life could make all the difference in theirs?
At 4:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
but your death is more of a burden on others then it is to you. so what then? is it a selfish choice? but really i agree with you. i was watching band of brothers on the television and the man gave his cowering soldier the same advice. or basically the same: give up hope. presume you will die, and then you will be able to face combat. its harder then it sounds.
At 1:02 PM,
Dana Kittilsen said…
never would i say it's easy...that's the point. it's a challenge, and exercise in strength of will. hell, i've herad it a million times so there must be something to it: "it builds character."
i think that it is not totatly selfish bacause through this exercise i would one comes to a preparation for facing the death of others as well.
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