How much space does Your ego take Up?
so now i'm blogging three times as wide. gotta take back as much space as we can. any time we find a chink or a gap in the walls of this western communallyconsensualsociopolitijudeochristianscientificallyefficientprogressivelyhatefully prison.
even though there is no communion in most of it. there is no with sensuality in most of it. there is little, if any, efficiency. what has become the idea of progress is actually leading us blindly into a corner which we will not be able to get out of.
this is the kind of prison it is. it's the 1984 prison that Orwell warned us about. there is a Brave New World out there just like Huxley told us. and there are maybe three people i know who are brave enough to venture to that world which is beyond that terrifying horizon of the prison walls.
so here i am chipping away at the concrete and glass-girdled rebar steel, sealing us in and stealing our souls to fuel the fire that is burning a hole in the back pockets of some business man. who has the clever and spiteful ambition to manipulate and bend others over the turn stalls and rape them.
"don't look! the cogs of this machine are grinding the bodies, and souls of everything (that includes everyone) You know into a bloody pulp! don't look! it's such an ugly site, You shouldn't look! just bend over and i'll protect You. don't look because it's so ugly! i said stop looking! well since You keep looking don't You see how beautiful the ugliness is? don't You want to do this too? alright come here, i'll show You how to bend someone else over." says the man with clocks for eyes and suits for skin.
let me tell You. and this isn't an argument i'm trying to prove or convince You, just let me share this with You: there is so much more outside of the social machine. Humans are not separate or superior. we are not the only things working to together to make creation be. but creation isn't a machine like society is. creation is a network, it's a web. it's a tapestry. it's layers and layers of threads woven together. some thread are alive, breathing bloody, other threads are dying or already dead and rotting. some thread can take those rotten threads and spin new fabric into the seam. some thread stretches the entire length of the tapestry, some thread is a brilliant glimmering hue, its shines with spirit and energy. while the thread next to it is the deepest blackest darkness of spirit.
this i've learned by waking up, and seeing. using my eyes in a way that many people have forgotten that eyes work. by stepping into and through the gaps in the walls whenever i can find them. by tearing down those walls where the weaknesses have been shown to me(Nate, You have shown me many of those, this blog's for You).
even though there is no communion in most of it. there is no with sensuality in most of it. there is little, if any, efficiency. what has become the idea of progress is actually leading us blindly into a corner which we will not be able to get out of.
this is the kind of prison it is. it's the 1984 prison that Orwell warned us about. there is a Brave New World out there just like Huxley told us. and there are maybe three people i know who are brave enough to venture to that world which is beyond that terrifying horizon of the prison walls.
so here i am chipping away at the concrete and glass-girdled rebar steel, sealing us in and stealing our souls to fuel the fire that is burning a hole in the back pockets of some business man. who has the clever and spiteful ambition to manipulate and bend others over the turn stalls and rape them.
"don't look! the cogs of this machine are grinding the bodies, and souls of everything (that includes everyone) You know into a bloody pulp! don't look! it's such an ugly site, You shouldn't look! just bend over and i'll protect You. don't look because it's so ugly! i said stop looking! well since You keep looking don't You see how beautiful the ugliness is? don't You want to do this too? alright come here, i'll show You how to bend someone else over." says the man with clocks for eyes and suits for skin.
let me tell You. and this isn't an argument i'm trying to prove or convince You, just let me share this with You: there is so much more outside of the social machine. Humans are not separate or superior. we are not the only things working to together to make creation be. but creation isn't a machine like society is. creation is a network, it's a web. it's a tapestry. it's layers and layers of threads woven together. some thread are alive, breathing bloody, other threads are dying or already dead and rotting. some thread can take those rotten threads and spin new fabric into the seam. some thread stretches the entire length of the tapestry, some thread is a brilliant glimmering hue, its shines with spirit and energy. while the thread next to it is the deepest blackest darkness of spirit.
this i've learned by waking up, and seeing. using my eyes in a way that many people have forgotten that eyes work. by stepping into and through the gaps in the walls whenever i can find them. by tearing down those walls where the weaknesses have been shown to me(Nate, You have shown me many of those, this blog's for You).
At 4:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
awww... shucks. i dont know what to say. good words. good omagery. nice conviction... all this bending over is exciting, and yet, somewhat depressing. but you know what they say: you gotta give head to get (a) head.
kill the pig.
drink its blood.
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